GAMESA Present: REVOLCADERO HISTORICO 2007 Beach the Revolcadero of Acapulco Guerrero Mexico, the infantile and youthful event of surfing days of 25 and 26 August beginning 08:00 hours, will be able to participate to all the children and children who please and practice this extreme sport without concerning their nationality, in categories ‘to’ of 4 to 8 years category ‘b’ of 9 to 12 years and youthful of 13 to 17 years, surfboards to the first places of each category, as well as trophies, diplomas and gifts of our sponsors, the cost will be of $50,00 pesos. Invitation is opening for all small and the young ones that they want to participate, to enjoy, to occur to know and to enjoy this unforgettable experience, all you will be the KINGS OF the WAVES, radio, television, local newspapers and magazines will be spreading event. And of which the small and young participants will be the film stars of this film, supported the premises of this beach that have excelled and put the name of Mexico very in stop; who single by love to surfing dedicated their lives to this beloved sport and are the pride of all we, all of them began to surfear in revolcadero with rubber mattresses.
‘champion’ Infinity of times local, state champion and first Mexican National champion, in Petacalco Guerrero in 1978, and five times national champion. In 1985 it was going to fulfill his dream of surfear Hawaii but unfortunately it died in that year in a state competition in the bonfil beach, his body never was found.
Always within the 4 first places in the events of surfing in which it participated, their style was very similar to the one of Evencio, versatile and with much force, maneuvers advanced, opportunely excellent within the tube, three times national champion, and represent to Mexico in two World-wide ones organized by the ISA; Japan and Puerto Rico, at the moment are in the United States.
local, state and national Champion, his national championship obtained it in Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca, was invited to along with participate to German Olmedo to the Oxbow Masters that celebrated in Puerto Escondido, in which he eliminate great and famous surfers professional, having a participation outstanding, in November of this year will turn 50 years and he is in excellent physical training conditions, surfeando every day, a true champion.
To surfer of an incomparable style, much technique and flexibility in their movements, was invited along with Javier Hernandez to the Oxbow Masters but unfortunately it had an automobile accident that it prevented him to be able to be in that shutdown of tour world-wide in our country, without doubt it would impress also the professionals and publish.
Local, state Champion and champion of the event the International ‘celebrations of November in Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca’ the world-wide mark Billabong wanted to have it in his equipment unfortunately never concrete, is very complete in his style, great and small waves, tubes, and aerial, 360`s and all the luck and tricks that there are in this sport.
Is the present phenomenon of surfing, that from its beginnings showed to the great quality and style to cross a wave of any size, beginning indeed in an infantile event organized by this club (PCR) in revolcadero, local, state champion and its youthful national championship it profit in Boca de Pascuales Colima, represent our country in the World-wide ones of ISA of South Africa and the United States, in the Central American championship in Guatemala in where Mexico obtained the first place by equipment, competitor of tour ALAS in where to had third places, winner of the International PMX in Puerto Escondido, within the equipment that participates in the XGames in Puerto Escondido organized by ESPN.

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